
Advantage: you
Learn from recruiters what industry discussion, career coaches, professional resume writers don't teach you. Then, turn it into your unique advantage over the competition.
If you're updating your general resume, or have a big application coming up, we're ready to help. It's just 10 to 20 seconds before the recruiter clicks 'yes' or 'no' on your application.


"Your insight really changes my perspective on how I approach my resume. Thank you!"


Resume review + written feedback & strategies

3+ day turnaround

Resume review + written feedback & strategies

2-day turnaround

Resume review + written feedback & strategies

1-day turnaround (pending our availability)

Resume review + written feedback & strategies


Resume review + live consultation / feedback session

Resume review + live consultation / feedback session within 24 hours (pending our availability)

Ongoing email communication accessibility after any service for 30 days
We recommend this option if individuals wish to follow-up with us regarding additional questions and/or clarifications).
Details & Pricing
Same-day turnaround (pending our availability)

The Fine Print
We do not write resumes from scratch. We provide editing, feedback and optimization strategy, only.
$25 extra charge per page, for resumes over 3 pages in length.
Undergraduate students & veterans receive a 50% discount. Must provide ID including dates of enrollment and/or service.
With the exception of our employer-sponsored "Business Services" package, we do not provide ongoing follow-up accessibility via email, phone or text message. If our individual clients wish to communicate after they invest in our services, they must add the "Ongoing email communication accessibility after any service for 30 days" option.
Work Process
You will be directed to our booking page. From there, you will provide us with more information about yourself and your specific objectives and questions. You will also upload your resume, share your target job application (if applicable), and initiate the appointment setting and payment processes.​
Questions beforehand? Send us a general inquiry below.